Monday, June 18, 2012


President Obama's knock on Free Enterprise is that it is driven by profit.  Where does he think jobs come from?  Jobs, both private and public, are generated by profits, and they are maintained only when profits are maintained.  He says he wants to grow our economy.  Grow what?  If he desires more tax revenue, profit cannot be a pejorative term.  Profits are the mothers milk of a growing vibrant economy.

According to our President, the government is the driver of growth.  Recently, he stated that he was not worried about the private economy, but the public side needed some help.  But state and local layoffs have not resulted from falling tax revenues.  These are up 6%.  It is the rising pension and health care costs that are causing the shortfall and layoffs.  He wants Federal taxpayers to send money to Jerry Brown in California so Brown can continue his State's insane public pension policy.  But liberal parts of California are beginning to see the light.  Last week the liberal city of San Jose voted 70% in favor of cutting pension and other fringe benefits for their public workers.  This event along with Wisconson's failed recall could be a catalyst for much needed public pension reform.

Ray Zimmerman

Dreams From My Father

Four years ago, I read President Obama's first book about himself.  When I finished, I felt confident that America would not elect someone so self absorbed; someone who had such antipathy for America.

David Maraniss's new book "Barack Obama: The Story", sheds a not so complimentary new light on our President.  Just like Richard Blumenthal, who served in Vietnam and didn't, and Elizabeth Warren, a Cherokee who isn't, our President exaggerated his job history and basketball prowess.  According to Maraniss, Obama never had meetings with Japanese financiers and German bond traders.  His office was so small, barely large enough for a desk.  He worked in back rooms checking things on the phone. And in highschool, he claimed that he was denied a starting role on the basketball team because of his black style of play.  It turns out that he didn't jump very well.  Were these "Dreams From Barack"? By the way, his team won the State Championship.

As Charles Krauthammer said, "How many people have written a total of two books, both about himself?  That should have given us a clue."

Ray Zimmerman