Thursday, July 12, 2012



Because he believes that:

1).  Higher marginal tax rates will grow our economy and spur employment.  Even though historically this tends not to be true, our President claims that this time it's different, and we know how prophetic he has been in predicting economic results.  But the defining reason for this position is that it is fair.

2).  Obamacare will cut costs and increase quality.  We can be sure that he will pick fair, honorable, and constitutional loving members to serve on the unelected commission that will decide how our entire healthcare system is rationed.  Oh!  The shortage of doctors is a overrated problem.

3).  Adding an additional $5 trillion to our debt in just 3 1/2 years was extraordinary and beneficial.   After all, who is seriously contemplating paying it off.

4).  Deficits of  $1 trillion plus, as far as the eye can see, is a brilliant strategy.  How else can we continue our standard of living?  We are borrowing .40 of every dollar we spend.  If we reelect him, he will clearly increase this percentage.

5).  It is important that we fund the increasing dependency of our citizens such as funding Social Security Disabilities.  Where does one go after 99 weeks of unemployment insurance that has expired?  The good news is that the number of disability applicants is growing faster than our nation's total job creation.

6).  The $830 billion stimulus was a investment like Solyndra, and a very profitable one at that.  The American People paid a very reasonable $278,000 per job for one that paid $35,000.

7).  Having a photo I.D as proof  that one is eligible to vote is down right discrimination.  We should stick to the honor system.  Why would one want to cast a ballot illegally?

8).  Saving General Motors by bailing out the UAW saved thousands of union jobs. (sorry bond holders.  Be careful to whom you loan money).  The good news is that we have been paid back.  Some day (not in our life time) the 500 million shares that we the taxpayers own at $55 a share may make a profit.  The shares are currently trading at $19.

9).  It is unconscionable!  It is not what we are all about!  It is torture to waterboard terrorists, but it is humane to kill them even with accepting innocent women and children as collateral damage.

10).  Even though it is a matter of their conscience, it is still wrong for the Catholic Church to deny free abortion pills to their employees.

11).  Just because an employee loses his employer's health coverage which the premium was paid with pre-tax dollars,  and he is forced to buy insurance in the state exchanges using after tax dollars, this is not considered a tax increase because the President has proclaimed this a bogus argument.

12).  With regards to leaking classified intelligence, sharing our technology and secrets with the rest of the world is the fair thing to do.  Plus it makes our president look macho and cool.

13).  A more progressive tax system will enable the bottom 50% who do not pay any income taxes, to become the bottom 60%.  This will ensure the election of future politicians who will guarantee future fairness.

14). As Marx believed,  that fairness trumps freedom.

Ray Zimmerman
Sagle, ID